(Scroll down for description)

WARNING: You need a mouse to play this game. (Trackpads are too fast when scrolling)

Yes, I changed the name. Apparently it was already taken on itch.io lol.

For anyone who's wondering, this was made BEFORE the GMTK Game Jam 2020. I was very surprised when I saw the theme lol.


This is a game in which you move up and down and try to avoid obstacles but every few seconds, the controls will change! Please read the info about the info below if you are confused about a type of control as some are weird. You start with arrow keys and restart with them every time you die. Controls switch when they PASS the player.

(Quick tip: Go to the middle after you go through each hole so you don't end up trying to go from one side to the other.)

To leave a comment about the game please go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/393259969/


Arrow Keys (You start with these. Up to go up and down to go down.)

WASD (W to go up and S to go down.)

Mouse (Right click to go up and left click to go down.)

Scroll (Scroll with mouse. Track-pads are way too fast, so use a mouse.)

Shift (Left shift to go up, Right shift to go down.)

Sideways Arrow Keys (Left to go up and right to go down.)

Math (Plus to go up and minus to go down. Plus is actually the equals button. The plus in the keypad doesn't work.)

Upside Down Arrow Keys (Down to go up and up to go down.)

Uppercase WASD (Like WASD but you have to hold shift)

Slash (Forward slash to go up and Backslash to go down.)


5/9/20 v1.1 - Got rid of page up/down keys for keyboards that don't have them

5/8/20 v1.0 - Release

Development log